Thursday, 11 February 2010

Kaleidoscope of colours

On went the song and the tune, the rhythm and all the lyrics that were right...
There it was - in all its glory. The new was sewn in with the old like the threading on a sock.
And behind it all was a silence that she knew to be him.
The face of it - for it was a definite face - lingered like perfume.
It was like looking at a star which could barely be seen if looked at directly and yet from the corner of the eye it became increasingly luminous.
For now, a great gust of wind blew outside through the tree tops and the snow was holding itself back. It lay on the peripheral of the weather conditions and threatened to snow again.
However, the roots of the music and that Song again, would spread, untangle themselves and emerge.
The roots lay exposed and revelled in the heat of the sunshine.

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