Tuesday 16 August 2011


This is a great notebook in which I can write anything I like.  It's not a notebook for a certain subject - it's just for any old dam thing.  It's great to spend time on the page - baby sleeps momentarily and I have accomplished much for the day.
The sun is out but this house is chilly.  There are new things, places, people and seasons.  Everything I once had and loved has now altered.  What a season.  A chapter closes and the current season continues to test us to the limit. 
We are dynamite - us humans - with the possiblity of detonation at any given point.  Only God truly knows us and only God is truly trustworthy. 
A new month in which old things pass away and new things spring to life... Here we go.
The past is no longer and can never be.
The future is our hope, destiny and my gem.